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This Author: Michael Toms
This Publisher: New Dimensions Media

New Dimensions Cafe Podcast by Michael Toms

New Dimensions Cafe Podcast

by Michael Toms

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  4.3  Stars Based on 5 ratings
On the New Dimensions Cafe Podcast you'll find interviews with leading thinkers, social architects, and creative artists. In podcasts on the feed you can listen to Dr. Martin Rossman discuss the power of mind-body medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil talk about some of the best and worst foods for your health, or listen to Geneen Roth discuss her bestselling book Women Food and God. Also on the podcast you can listen to interviews with Matthew Fox, Coleman Barks, Bodhipaksa, Julia Cameron, Guy Finley, Don Miguel Ruiz, Judith Orloff, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, Jack Kornfield, Thomas Moore, Howard Zinn, and many other fascinating thinkers.

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