Judy Blume Audio Downloads
Judy Blume Audio Downloads
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9 Titles
by Judy Blume
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Sometimes life in the Hatcher household is enough to make twelve-year-old Peter think about running away.
by Judy Blume
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Money, money, money...I love money, money, money is Fudge's new theme song....
by Judy Blume
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At first, it seems that Peter Hatcher's summer vacation is going to be a scene from his worst nightmare.
by Judy Blume
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Blubber is a good name for her, the note from Wendy says about Linda. Jill crumples it up and leaves it on the corner of her desk.
by Judy Blume
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What's the difference between a friend and a fiend?
by Judy Blume
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Sheila Tubman sometimes wonders who she really is: the outgoing, witty, and capable Sheila the Great, or the secret Sheila, who's afraid of the dark, spiders, swimming, and dogs?
by Judy Blume
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My sister's name is Abigail. I call her The Great One because she thinks she's so great. Who cares if she's in third grade and I'm just in first?
by Judy Blume
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The Pain and the Great One hardly agree on anything. But deep down, they know they can count on each other, especially at school, where it often takes two to figure things out.
by Judy Blume
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The Pain and the Great One are going places! In these new stories the kids are on the go - the Pain needs a trip to the emergency room; the family goes to the mall and not everyone stays together; the kids visit a county fair and want to ride the Super Slide; and a beach outing includes a boogie board. Lots more action and adventure for the dynamic duo who never stay still.
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