Free Resource (#765) - March 6th, 2009 |
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Hamlet: John Gielgud's Classic 1948 Recording
This outstanding historical recording made in 1941 for radio is widely regarded as one of the finest Hamlet performances ever, and one of John Gielgud's greatest moments. Though he went on to record it for commercial release, nothing matched this recording in the BBC studios, made before the days of editing.
Available on MP3 Download.
Listen to a free sample of: Hamlet: John Gielgud's Classic 1948 Recording
William Shakespeare Audio |
Every William Shakespeare Play on Audio Download
William Shakespeare is the British poet and playwright widely considered to be the greatest ever to write in the English language. He is also one of the most widely read playwrights of all time, having most of his work translated in into every major living language. Though most historical accounts place his birth in April of 1564, little is known about his early years. The Shakespeare we now know makes his first real appearance as a playwright in the late 1580s, and it is from this point on until his death in 1616 that the world was treated to some of the greatest works of literature ever produced. These works include tragedies, comedies, poems, historical fiction and more. His titles are beyond classic: "Hamlet", "Macbeth", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Romeo and Juliet" and "Henry V" are just a few of the works that are still being read, performed and translated to this day. Indeed, Shakespeare has been voted one of the most important people of the last millennium and all writers are indebted to the vibrant characterization, innovative plotting, and philosophical scope he brought to the art of writing.
Every William Shakespeare Play on Audio Download
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