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This Author: Eric Schlosser
This Publisher: City Arts & Lectures

Eric Schlosser in Conversation with Orville Schell by Eric Schlosser

Eric Schlosser in Conversation with Orville Schell

by Eric Schlosser

Title Details

Running Time
34 Min.
In this video, Eric Schlosser speaks about his book, Fast Food Nation, a work that stands on the shoulders of his predecessors. However, be not mistaken, Schlosser has put together a new body of research that meticulously supports his argument, namely that the structure of the American Fast Food Industry is grounded upon the alienated labor of millions of low paid employees. For instance, did you know that the twelve top paid executives at Goldman Sachs earned an annual bonus of $200 million in alone last year, which is twice the amount of all the earnings of the 10,000 tomato pickers in all of the state of Florida, the poorest workers in the United States. Schlosser’s research, inadvertently, calls to account the common notion of top down economics and his evidence opens up the question of whether it is not actually the top that is contingent upon the bottom, that is, of whether the cheap laborers are not in fact conducive to multimillion dollar executives, and of whether or not cheap laborers are not the contemporary to Goya’s Ghosts, where those cast out of ‘decent society’ may not in fact be the ground upon which it is enabled.

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