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This Author: Deepak Chopra
This Publisher: FORA.tv

A Spiritually Inspired Future: Chopra, Cohen & Huffington by Deepak Chopra

A Spiritually Inspired Future: Chopra, Cohen & Huffington

by Deepak Chopra

Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs.
User Rating
  3.7  Stars Based on 3 ratings
This talk from the Urban Zen Foundation, features author Deepak Chopra, EnlightenNext magazine founder Andrew Cohen, and political activist Arianna Huffington discussing the role of spirituality in our current global situation. Chopra & Cohen describe how to bring together spiritual practice with active participation in working to create the change in the world that one envisions. Huffington adds her practical and political insights into how spirituality can be applied towards bringing about positive change. They also discuss the role of technology and its potential to connect people throughout the globe in uniting for common causes.

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