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The 9-11 Commission Final Report - Press Conference (7/22/04)
Title Details
Running Time
1 Hr. 20 Min.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9-11 Commission, released their nearly 600-page final report to the public on July 22, 2004. During the course of the commission's 20-month investigation, the 10 commissioners and 80 staff members conducted more than 1300 interviews in 10 countries and reviewed more than 2 million documents. In the 17 days of public hearings, the commissioners heard testimony from 140 federal, state, and local officials, and private sector experts. In this press conference, Commission Chair Thomas Kean and co-Chair Lee Hamilton made opening statements summarizing the report's finding. The commissioners then took questions from the press and 9-11 victims' family members.
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