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This Author: Barack Obama
This Publisher: C-SPAN

2009 Address to Congress by Barack Obama

2009 Address to Congress

by Barack Obama


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
55 Min.
User Rating
  3.9  Stars Based on 5 ratings
Listen to or watch President Barack Obama's Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the state of the nation, which he delivered on February 24th, 2009. In the address Obama focuses primarily on the state of the economy and the myriad ways he plans to boost the economy through creating jobs, encouraging lending, spurring business innovation, increasing access to education, and a number of other strategies. You can also listen to or watch on this page the 12-minute Republican Party response from Governor Bobby Jindal who criticizes the ability of government to bring America out of its current financial situation and speaks against the Stimulus Bill that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. Both these speeches are available on streaming video through YouTube, and President Obama's speech can be downloaded on MP3 through American Rhetoric.

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