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This Author: Jeffrey Herbener
This Narrator: Jeffrey Herbener
This Publisher: Mises Institute

Jeffrey Herbener: Mises Institute Lecture by Jeffrey Herbener

Jeffrey Herbener: Mises Institute Lecture

by Jeffrey Herbener

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Jeffrey M. Herbener, a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, has taught economics at Washington and Jefferson College and is now professor of economics at Grove City College. Author of many articles on the microeconomic foundations of Austrian theory, he is associate editor of The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, director of the Austrian Scholars Conference, and a lecturer at the Mises University.

Titles of Lectures by Jeffrey M. Herbener include:

"Value, Utility, and Prices"
"Time Preference and Interest"
"The American Austrians"
"The Utopianism of Marx and Keynes"
"The New Vampire Economy: Banks and the Socialization of Investment"

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