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30th Anniversary of The Inter-University Committee on International Migration
Title Details
Running Time
1 Hr. 29 Min.
The world needs to come up with a coherent, comprehensive policy on migration, and in short order. Mamphela Ramphele is uniquely positioned to understand and shape such a policy for the new U.N. commission that’s studying the issue. She has recently returned to South Africa after years in Washington, D.C. at the World Bank. According to Ramphele, 200 million-plus people are living outside their countries of origin, and this number is bound to increase, under the pressures of globalization, conflict, and economic imbalances. She cites the relentless stream of news stories about migrants dying or suffering unimaginable ordeals to enter countries illegally, and the often intense, negative reaction of nations to the ceaseless flow of non-native workers across their borders. “The world appears to have reached a turning point in relation to issues of migration and mobility,” says Ramphele. Upper and middle income states “need cheap labor for unattractive jobs and to compensate for a diminishing, aging workforce” and less developed countries fret that their young professionals are departing “to regions that offer higher standards of living” and that their less educated emigrants are treated as second-class citizens or worse. “International migration has become an issue of contention between North and South,” she says. Nations must “come clean and acknowledge the hypocrisy” that allows nations to exploit migrant workers while rejecting basic workers’ rights. Ultimately, says Ramphele, “Migration cannot be adequately managed in isolation from the issues of development, demography and democracy.”
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