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This Author: Hermann Hesse
This Narrator: Michael Scott
This Publisher: Thought Audio

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse


by Hermann Hesse


Title Details

Running Time
4 Hrs. 38 Min.
User Rating
  4.5  Stars Based on 4 ratings


In many works by Herman Hesse, the German novelist and Nobel Prize winner, there is a theme depicting the duality of spirit and nature, body versus mind and the individual’s spiritual search outside the restrictions of society. Siddhartha is such a story.

Siddhartha, born the son of a Brahmin, was blessed in appearance, intelligence and charisma. In order to find meaning in life, he discarded his promising future for the life of an ascetic. He wandered as a shramana and searched for Gotama the Buddha. However, this man, Siddhartha, was not a follower of any but his own soul. This abridged version of the popular book provides the listener with insight into the philosophy and thoughts that shape Siddhartha’s path to enlightenment.

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