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This Author: Rudyard Kipling
This Narrator: Brian Johnson
This Publisher: LearnOutLoud.com

If by Rudyard Kipling


by Rudyard Kipling

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
3 Min.
User Rating
  4.5  Stars Based on 10 ratings


In our continuing effort to provide you with the most inspiring and exceptional self development literature available, LearnOutLoud.com and Zaadz.com present If by Rudyard Kipling. This recorded poem is read by Brian Johnson, Philosopher and CEO of Zaadz, Inc. We hope you enjoy listening to this classic work from Kipling. Be sure to browse the other poems Johnson has recorded in this series.

From Wikipedia.com:
According to Kipling in his autobiography "Something Of Myself", the poem was inspired by Dr Leander Starr Jameson, who in 1895 led a raid by British forces against the Boers in South Africa, subsequently called the Jameson Raid. This defeat increased the tensions that ultimately led to the Boer War. The British press, however, portrayed Jameson as a hero in the middle of the disaster, and the actual defeat as a British victory.

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