Welcome to unit 1 which will give you a taste of the course. You may be very pleasantly surprised by how much you can understand.
Each unit is introduced by Sherif and Mona. They guide you through the KEY LANGUAGE. You’ll also hear it being used by Sherif and the people he meets in Cairo.
In this unit you’ll learn how to:
– say hello;
–say what your name is;
–understand many useful Arabic words and pronounce them the Arabic way.
You can check out the full course here:
Arabic PDQ
About Linguaphone PDQ
The ideal introduction to a new language, our popular beginner PDQ language course is now available to buy as an MP3 download. This fun-and-easy to use course is packed full of exercises and tests and is available in 10 languages. Perfect for preparing for your next holiday or business trip, this course will help you quickly learn over 500 new words in your chosen language.
So what are you waiting for? Download one of our MP3 language courses today, and you’ll be speaking a new language in no time at all!