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This Author: Ralph Raico
This Narrator: Ralph Raico
This Publisher: Mises Institute

Ralph Raico: Mises Institute Lectures by Ralph Raico

Ralph Raico: Mises Institute Lectures

by Ralph Raico

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Audio Original


Ralph Raico is professor of European history at Buffalo State College and a specialist on the history of liberty, the liberal tradition in Europe, and the relationship between war and the rise of the state. Among many articles, he is author of "World War I: The Turning Point" and "Rethinking Churchill" in the 2nd edition of The Costs of War (edited by John V. Denson). He is the recipient of the 2000 Gary G. Schlarbaum Prize for Lifetime Achievement in the Cause of Liberty.

Titles of Lectures by Ralph Raico include:

"Rise of the West"
"The Role of the Intellectuals
"Rethinking Churchill"
"Harry Truman and the Imperial Presidency"
"Classical-Liberal Roots of Marxist Class Analysis"

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