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This Author: Lester Thurow
This Narrator: Lester Thurow
This Publisher: MIT World

The Emergence of China in the Global Economy by Lester Thurow

The Emergence of China in the Global Economy

by Lester Thurow

Title Details

Running Time
57 Min.
User Rating
  1.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
This streaming audio and video lecture from MIT professor Lester Thurow analyzes the economic awakening of China. This macro analysis features a lot of economic concepts, but is still fairly accessible for those of us who've never taken an economics course. He addresses key issues that arise with China as a player in the global economy such as the gap between what China buys and what it produces, the lack of intellectual property laws of the Chinese government, and the inability to get accurate statistics from a government which demands certain kinds of numbers, even if they are exaggerated.

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