
Liberal Politics Audio Books

Featured Liberal Politics Audio Books

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by Stephen Kinzer
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A fast-paced narrative history of the coups, revolutions, and invasions by which the United States has toppled 14 foreign governments, not always to its own benefit.

by Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Hillary Rodham Clinton's inside account of the crises, choices, and challenges she faced during her four years as America's 67th Secretary of State, and how those experiences drive her view of the future.

by Howard Zinn
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Since its original landmark publication in 1980, A People's History of the United States has been chronicling American history from the bottom up...

by John J. Mearsheimer
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A decade after the cold war ended, policy makers and academics foresaw a new era of peace and prosperity, an era in which democracy and open trade would herald the end of history.....

by Chapo Trap House
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The creators of the cult-hit podcast Chapo Trap House deliver a manifesto for everyone who feels orphaned and alienated - politically...

by Noam Chomsky
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According to The New York Times, Noam Chomsky is "arguably the most important intellectual alive.

by Howard Zinn
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For much of his life, historian Howard Zinn chronicled American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official version taught in schools - with its emphasis on great men in high places - to focus on the street, the home, and the workplace.

by Ludwig von Mises
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In 1927, classical liberalism—based on a belief in the principle of individualism, the triumph of reason, and the validity of capitalism and free trade—was dying.

by Chris Hedges
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Twenty-five years ago, when Pat Robertson and other radio and televangelists first spoke of the United States becoming a Christian nation that would build a global Christian empire, it was hard to take such hyperbolic rhetoric seriously.

by Naomi Klein
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The bestselling author of "No Logo" shows how the global free market has exploited crises and shock for three decades, from Chile to Iraq.

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