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This Author: Bill Clinton
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

1992 Democratic National Convention Acceptance Address by Bill Clinton

1992 Democratic National Convention Acceptance Address

by Bill Clinton


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
53 Min.


"This election is about putting power back in your hands and putting the government back on your side. It’s about putting people first. You know, I’ve said that all across the country. And whenever I do, someone always comes back at me, as a young man did just this week at a town meeting at the Henry Street Settlement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He said, “That sounds good, Bill, but you’re a politician. Why should I trust you?” Tonight, as plainly as I can, I want to tell you who I am, what I believe, and where I want to lead America."

-William Jefferson Clinton

This speech was delivered July 16, 1992.

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