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This Author: Richard C. Holbrooke
This Publisher: The Oxonian Society

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke by Richard C. Holbrooke

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke

by Richard C. Holbrooke

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
56 Min.


Ambassador Richard Holbrooke speaks to the Oxonian Society.

Ambassador Holbrooke brokered the peace agreement among the warring factions in Bosnia that led to the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords. He has received seven Nobel Peace Prize nominations and his bestselling book, 'To End War', was named by the New York Times as one of the eleven best books in 1998.

Holbrooke served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, where he was also a member of President Clinton's cabinet. Holbrooke has played a central role in the development of U.S. policy toward the United Nations, the Balkans, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and humanitarian crisis issues such as AIDS. Many continue to mention Holbrooke as the leading contender for the Secretary of State position in a future administration.

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