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The Incredible Century
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Gordon Skene Sound Collection
The Incredible Century
Title Details
Gordon Skene Sound Collection
Audio Original
Running Time
4 Hrs.
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Collects great historical speeches from 1900 to 1999. An entire century of history as traced through the people that lived and helped shape it.
Volume 1: 1900-1953
1. Inventor Marconi Talks About Sending The First Transatlantic Radio Transmission β 1901 (recorded in 1936)
2. The Double-Sided Record, New From The Columbia Graphophone Company, Offers Improved Sound - 1904
3. Inventor Thomas Edison Announces The Age Of Electricity - 1908
4. Commander Robert E. Peary Expounds On The Allure Of Arctic Exploration - 1909
5. Survivor Gives Harrowing Account Of The R.M.S. Titanic Disaster β 1912 (recorded 1936)
6. Presidential Candidate Woodrow Wilson Makes The Case For A Living Wage - 1912
7. British Member Of Parliament Horatio Bottomley . 1915
8. American Federation Of Labor President Samuel Gompers Explains U.S. Efforts In World War I - 1916
9. Commander Of American Expeditionary Forces In France, General J.J. 'Black Jack' Pershing .- 1917
10. Former Ambassador To Germany James Gerard Challenges German-Americans' Loyalty . - 1917
13. Humorist Will Rogers Muses On His Entry In The 'Congressional Record' -1925
14. Aviator Charles Lindbergh Reflects On The First-Ever Transatlantic Flight - 1927
15. As The Threat Of War Once Again Looms Over Europe, Winston Churchill Asks 'What Are We To Do?' -1934
16. Expatriate Author Henry Miller Reads From His Controversial Book 'Tropic Of Cancer' β 1934 (reading recorded 1969)
17. Louisiana Senator Huey Long Criticizes The Current Roosevelt Administration - 1935
18. Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Shares His Beliefs -
19. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Visits Dust Bowl States . - 1936
20. Physicist Albert Einstein Asserts That Modern Man Is Detached From The World Because Of Technology - 1936
21. King Edward VIII Announces His Abdication Of The Throne 12/11/36
22. News Coverage Of The Hindenburg Airship Disaster β 5/6/37
23. The Man And The Mouse: Mickey Mouse Turns 10.- 1937
24. Civil Rights Activist Asa Philip Randolph Pleas For Social And Racial Justice - 1937
25. Aviator Howard Hughes And Crew Successfully Complete World's First Transglobal Flight β 7/15/38
26. Sigmund Freud Discusses Psychoanalysis - 1938
27. Dramatist And Critic George Bernard Shaw Defines The Pacifist Movement - 1938
28. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Commemorates The Nations Of The World At New York World's Fair β 4/30/39
29. Author Margaret Mitchell Expresses Gratitude Over Winning Pulitzer Prize For 'Gone With The Wind' - 1939
30. Broadcaster Edward R. Murrow Reports Plans For The Evacuation Of Children From London β 8/31/39
31. Nazi Germany Mounts Blitzkrieg Invasion Of Poland β 9/1/39
32. Nazi Germany Denies Aggression Toward Poland, Claiming Self-Defense β 9/1/39
33. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Declares A State Of War - 9/3/39
34. German Chancellor Adolf Hitler Condemns Polish Aggression Toward Germans β 9/3/39
35. Italian Facist Leader Benito Mussolini Declares War On The Allied Powers β 6/10/40
36. American Journalist William L. Shirer Reports On French Armistice Signing β 6/22/40
37. Labor Leader John L. Lewis Supports Wendel Willkie For President- 10/25/40
38. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Announces The First Peacetime Draft Lottery. -10/29/40
39. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War On Japan β 12/8/41
40. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia Publicizes The New Convenient New York- 9/1/42
41. Announcement Of Allied Invasion Of North Africa β 11/8/42
42. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Reports The Allied Armies Liberation Of Rome β 6/5/44
43. First Allied Planes Leave England, Leading D-Day Invasion β 6/6/44
44. Report Of U.S. Flag Raised Over Island Of Iwo Jima β 2/23/45
45. Announcement Of Allied Forces Crossing The Rhine River β 3/8/45
46. Report Of German Army's Unconditional Surrender In Italy β 4/29/45
47. Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide β 4/30/45
48. V-E Day Report Of German Surrender Ending The War In Europe β 5/7/45
49. V-E Day Celebration In Times Square, New York City β 5/7/45
50. President Harry Truman Signs The United Nations Charter -6/26/45
51. Report Of The U.S. Having Dropped The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima β 8/6/45
52. V-J Day Report Of Japanese Surrender Ending The War In The Pacific β 8/14/45
53. British Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill Declares Eastern Europe Behind An 'Iron Curtain' β 3/5/46
54. U.S. Census Reveals Postwar Infant Population Boom β 4/1/47
55. Secretary Of State George C. Marshall Announces Plan To Revitalize Postwar European Economy β 6/5/47
56. Soviet Blockade Of Berlin Thwarted By U.S. Air Efforts - 1948
57. United Nations Representative ABBA Eban Comments On Israel's Nationhood β 5/31/48
58. President Harry Truman Mocks Naysayer Journalists In Election Victory Speech β 11/2/48
59. White House Issues Statement That Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb β 9/23/49
60. Bobby Thompson Secures New York Giants National League Pennant Win With Game Winning Home Run β 10/3/51
61. Baseball Great Joe DiMaggio Announces His Retirement β 12/11/51
62. Vice-Presidential Candidate Richard M. Nixon delivers βCheckers Speechβ β 9/23/52
63. Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin Dies At Age 73. β 3/5/53
Volume 2: 1953-1969
1. Atomic Bomb Testing Continues β 3/17/53
2. Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth II Of Great Britain β 6/2/53
3. Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Are Denied Clemency β 6/19/53
4. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Officially Announces End To Korean Conflict β 7/27/53
5. Author Ray Bradbury Provides More Positive Outlook On Future Than His Book 'Farenheit 451' Suggests β 1954 (recorded 1958)
6. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Assures There Will Be Further Development Of Polio Vaccine β 2/23/54
7. Congressmen Provide Conflicting Viewpoints On School Desegregation β 5/17/54
8. Senator Joseph McCarthy Presides At House Un-American Activities Commottee Hearings β 6/9/54
9. New York Giants Manager Leo Durocher States Strong Leadership Is A Baseball Team's Top Asset - 1954
10. Author Ernest Hemingway Delivers Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech β 12/10/54
11. Cleveland Disc Jockey Alan Freed At The Top Of His Form Hosting 'The Moondog Show' - 1954
12. Ensure Your Safety With The Purchase Of This Nuclear Survival Course Course Record Album. - 1954
13. James Dean Discusses His Craft On The Set Of 'Rebel Without A Cause' -1954
14. Music Experts Squabble Over Meaning Of Rock 'n' Roll β 7/56
15. Yankees Pitcher Don Larsen Delivers His First 'Perfect Game' In World Series History β 10/8/56
16. Hungarian Revolt Crushed By Soviets β 10/23/56
17. What Do We Know About Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro? β 5/3/57
18. Althea Gibson Became The First Black Athlete To Win Wimbeldon Tennis Championship. β 7/6/57
19. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Denounces Arkansas Efforts To Enforce School Segregation. β 9/24/57
20. Black Politician Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Speaks Out On Notion Of Freedom. - 1957
21. United States Successfully Launches First Orbiting Satellite β 1/31/58
22. Author Lorraine Hansberry Discusses Her Play 'a Raisin In The Sun' β 3/11/59
23. Nasa Introduces First Seven 'Astronauts' For Project Mercury β 4/9/59
24. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Visits U.S. For First Time β 4/17/59
25. Author Allen Ginsberg And Anthropologist Margaret Mead Discuss Origins Of The Term 'Beat Generation - 1959
26. Presidential Candidates John F. Kennedy And Richard M. Nixon Square Off In Televised Debate β 10/13/60
27. President-Elect John F. Kennedy Wins Narrow-Margin Victory β 11/8/60
28. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Delivers 'Military Industrial Complex' Farewell Speech β 1/18/61
29. President John F. Kennedy Addresses Nation With Inaugural Speech β 1/20/61
30. Bay Of Pigs Invasion Denounced At United Nations Address β 4/17/61
31. Federal Communications Comission Chairman Newton Minow Decries Television As A 'Vast Wasteland' β 5/61
32. The Birth Of The Berlin Wall β 8/13/61
33. Launch Of 'Telstar' Satellite Ushers In Age Of High-Speed Communication Technology β 7/10/62
34. Author John Steinbeck Discusses Winning Nobel Prize For Literature β 12/10/62
35. Debut Of World's First Talking/Singing Computer - 1962
36. President John F. Kennedy Visits The Berlin Wall And Rallies Anti-Communist Support β 6/26/63
37. President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated β 11/22/63
38. JFK Assassination Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald Is Shot β 11/24/63
39. North Vietnamese Vessels Attack U.S. Navy In Gulf Of Tonkin β 8/4/64
40. Activist Mario Savio Speaks Out On UC Berkeley 'Educational Tyranny'- 9/64
41. Reports Confirm Khruschev ouster from Kremlin β 10/16/64
42. Activist Whitney Young Talks In Selma, Alabama On The Importance Of The Black Vote - 3/25/65
43. Racial Violence Breaks Out In Watts District Of Los Angeles β 8/11/65
44. Vietnamese Radio 'Hanoi Hannah' Broadcasts To U.S. Troops - 1966
45. Dr. Christiaan Barnard Performs First Human Heart Transplant β 12/3/67
46. Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir Articulates Israel's Need For Peace β 6/67
47. Senator Robert Kennedy Announces Presidential Candidacy β 3/16/68
48. President Lyndon B. Johnson Declines Nomination For Reelection β 3/31/68
49. Martin Luther King, Jr. Stirs Memphis Audience With 'Mountain Top' Speech β 4/3/68
50. Senator Robert Kennedy Is Assassinated β 6/5/68
51. Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia β 8/20/68
52. Riots Break Out At 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention β 8/28/68
53. Apollo 8 Astronauts Conduct Christmas Eve Broadcast β 12/24/68
54. Mickey Mantle Gives Farewell Speech To Yankees Fans β 3/1/69
55. Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong Broadcasts Man's First Steps On The Moon β 67/20/69
56. Beatle Paul McCartney Refutes Rumors Of His Death - 10/21/69
57. Thousands Of Protesters Show Support On Vietnam Moratorium Day β 11/15/69
58. Vice President Spiro Agnew Lashes Out Against 'The Media Elite' β 12/69
Volume 3: 1970-1999
Apollo 13 trouble β 4/13/70
Voting Age Lowered to 18 β 6/22/70
Bela Abzug on Equal Rights Amendment β 8/70
Womenβs Equality Day β Betty Friedan β 8/26/70
Pres. Nixon announces visit to China β 4/29/71
Margaret Thatcher on Women in Government β 1971
United Nations recognizes Red China β 11/15/71
Governor Reagan remarks on assassination attempt of George Wallace 5/15/72
Olympic Hostage drama β 9/5/72
Henry Kissinger βPeace Is At Handβ β 10/26/72
Roe V. Wade abortion issue β 1/22/73
Wounded Knee Indian takeover β 2/28/73
Watergate tapes dispute β 10/20/73
Nixon versus the Press β 10/26/73
Nixon resigns β 8/4/74
Nixon bids farewell to his staff β 8/9/74
President Ford swearing in - 8/9/74
South Vietnam falls to Viet Cong β 4/29/75
Alexander Solzhenitsyn address Harvard graduating class β 6/30/75
Apollo/Soyuz handshake in space β 7/17/75
Anwar Sadat Addresses Congress β 11/5/75
Barbara Jordan addresses Democratic Convention β 7/12/76
Viking I lands on Mars β 7/20/76
John Lennon wins residency in U.S. β 7/27/76
Legionnaireβs Disease outbreak β 8/4/76
Space Shuttle Enterprise passes first test β 8/12/77
Elvis Presley dies β 8/16/77
San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk β 6/78
Pope John Paul I dies β 8/16/78
Dianne Feinstein on murders of Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone β 11/27/78
Pres. Carter discsusses Egypt/Israeli peace settlement β 3/26/79
Three Mile Island nuclear Power accident β 3/28/79
Cable News Network inaugurated β 6/1/80
Solidarity Movement in Poland β 8/14/80
Release of 52 American Hostages in Iran β 1/20/81
Pres. Reagan assassination attempt β 3/30/81
Assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II β 5/13/81
Pres. Reagan and striking Air-Traffic Controllers β 8/3/81
Britain and Argentina at war over Falkland Islands β 5/82
Koreal Airlines Flight 007 downing β 9/1/83
U.S. invades Grenada β 10/25/83
Shuttle Challenger disaster β 1/28/86
Pres. Reagan β Iran/Contra β 11/19/86
Vice Presidential contender Lloyd Bentsen to Dan Quayle β 10/5/88
Pres. Reagan β Inaugural for 2nd term β 1/19/89
Tiananmen Square violence in Beijing β 6/4/89
Operation Desert Storm begins β 1/16/91
Anita Hill Testifies during Clarence Thomas confirmation β 10/11/91
Clarence Thomas refutes charges by Hill β 10/11/91
Los Angeles riots β 4/29/92
Senator Diane Watson on L.A. Riots β 4/30/92
Rodney King speaks out β 5/1/92
FBI briefing on Waco Texas siege β 4/93
Nelson Mandela on eve of South Africa elections β 4/29/94
Pres. Clinton condemnation of Oklahoma City bombings β 4/19/95
OJ Simpson trial verdict β 10/3/95
Noa Ben-Artzi Philosof gives eulogy for her assassinated grandfather Yitzhak Rabin β 11/6/95
Colin Powell declines bid for presidency β 11/8/95
Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski β 4/3/96
Richard Jewel, suspect in Olympic Village bombing β 10/28/96
Ian Wilmut discusses possibility of Human cloning β 4/15/97
Britain returns Hong Kong to China β 6/30/97
Princess Diana dies in Paris β 8/31/97
Linda Tripp records conversation with Monica Lewinsky β 10/16/97
Pres. Clinton denies affair with βMiss Lewinskyβ β 1/26/98
Pres. Clinton clarifies the Lewinsky affair β 8/17/98
Mark McGwire breaks homerun record β 9/8/98
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Anan appeals for peace in Kosovo β 3/24/99
U.S. returns conservatorship of Panama Canal to Panama β 12/31/99
Stock Market buying frenzy β 12/31/99
Pres. Clinton observes dawning of βNew Milleniumβ β 12/31/99
Times Square β New Years Eve β 12/31/99
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