An award-winning, widely recognized expert on premodern history, Professor Thomas F. Madden launches the first of a two-part series on the medieval world. This all-encompassing investigation of a highly influential time period includes the major events of the era and informative discussion of empire, papacy, the Crusades, and the fall of Constantinople. During the course of these lectures, Professor Madden also addresses the rise of Islam, reform movements, and schisms in the church. In so doing, Professor Madden underscores the significance and grand scale of an age that continues to hold an undeniable fascination for people today.
Lecture 1 The End of an Empire and the Beginning of the World
Lecture 2 The Empire Strikes Back: Justinian I and the Reconquest of the West
Lecture 3 Storm in the East: The Rise of Islam
Lecture 4 The New Masters of Rome: The Popes
Lecture 5 A New Empire: The Carolingians
Lecture 6 Devastation Again: The New Invasions of Europe
Lecture 7 To Reform and Rebuild: The Eleventh-Century Reform Movement
Lecture 8 The Clash of Church and State: The Investiture Controversy
Lecture 9 The Crusades
Lecture 10 Growing Kingdoms: England and France
Lecture 11 The Rise and Fall of the Papal Monarchy
Lecture 12 Europe Asunder: The Avignon Papacy and the Great Schism
Lecture 13 The Hundred Years War
Lecture 14 Europe Stands Alone: The Fall of Constantinople