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This Author: Charles F. Haanel
This Publisher: Mark Jones Productions

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel

The Master Key System

by Charles F. Haanel

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
5 Hrs. 18 Mins.
User Rating
  4.6  Stars Based on 9 ratings


The Master Key System has been hailed by many as the most important wealth creation system ever. 

In 1909 a deep secret was rediscovered. A secret that drove those that knew it to the furthest reaches of total success.

Wealthy industrialists, politicians, and captains of industry flocked to the man that knew the secret. They paid him vast sums of money for it. They all enjoyed unparalleled success.

They became the greatest people of all time. They all agreed the secret would never be revealed to the public.

The first World War broke out in 1914. Those who knew the secret were protected. The Great Depression crippled the Nation in 1929.

Those who knew the secret prospered. The Catholic Church learned of the secret in 1933. It was banned by the Church.

The "secret" can now be found in the Master Key System.

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